Deploy Instance from AMI

Initialize EC2 Machine from AMI

To deploy a virtual machine from an imported AMI, follow these steps:

  1. Access the EC2 Management Console.

    • In the navigation bar, select AMIs.
    • Choose the imported AMI for the virtual machine (e.g., import-ami-08a9efac866dfcb04).
    • Click on Launch.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Name: Enter Import-Server.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Keep the default AMI selection.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Keep the default Instance type and select Create a new key pair.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Fill in the key pair information and click on Create key pair.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Leave the default Network settings.

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  1. Select View all instances.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Check the instance that you have created.

VMWare Workstation

  1. SSH into the instance.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Click on SSH.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Complete the SSH credentials.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Enter the password.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Finish the SSH process.

VMWare Workstation

  1. Test the ping.

VMWare Workstation